New PPB: The Use of New Technologies (IM/Texting) in Supporting Provider-Patient Communications

New PPB: The Use of New Technologies (IM/Texting) in Supporting Provider-Patient Communications

The ease of communicating using instant messaging (IM) and texting has piqued the interest of health care providers for use in their practices. Rapid communication can facilitate better time management between physicians and patients, and between physicians and other health providers. While electronic communication can improve patient care and patient engagement with care providers, it also presents unique challenges with respect to patient privacy and confidentiality. When embracing the potential of the digital age, it is of paramount importance to be aware of the risks and how to mitigate them. Consideration must be given to privacy, confidentiality, and security with the use of texting and instant messaging. This professional practice brief outlines the benefits and uses of IM and texting and provides guidelines for best practice, emphasizing security, in introducing their use in health care. 

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