National chapter updates May 2019

National chapter updates May 2019

The chapter committees are busy planning a number of engagement opportunities for this year, including education days, workshops, and newsletters.

The Chapter Advisory Council (CAC) met online on January 29, 2019 and will be doing so again on May 7. The CAC will be meeting in-person in Halifax in September. The CAC is comprised of CHIMA staff, a representative from the CHIMA Board of Directors, and each of the chapter committee chairs.

The BCYT chapter committee hosted a successful in-person education day on March 22, 2019 in Vancouver, which over 80 CHIMA members attended, The following CHIMA chapters have confirmed dates for upcoming events:

  • NB chapter committee will be hosting an in-person education day on June 6, 2019 in Fredericton (not June 7 as reported in the February 2019 CHIMA Connection). Stay tuned for more details!
  • NSPE chapter committee will be hosting an in-person education day on September 27, 2019 in Halifax. Stay tuned for more details!
  • MBNU chapter committee will be hosting an in-person education day on October 4, 2019 in Winnipeg. Stay tuned for more details!
  • SK chapter committee will be hosting an in-person education day on October 18, 2019 in Regina. Stay tuned for more details!
  • ON chapter committee will be hosting an in-person education day on November 22, 2019 in Toronto. Stay tuned for more details! 

ON chapter committee is also hosting an online data quality workshop on renal conditions on June 26, 2019.

If you are interested in volunteering with your respective chapter or joining the chapter committee, please contact us or apply using the online tool.

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