A COVID-19 update from our CEO

A COVID-19 update from our CEO

Dear members,

During times of adversity, the HIM profession is often asked to do more because we are the protectors of people’s most precious assets: their health information. This information holds stories that our health care system, our governments, and our economy depend on to navigate this pandemic. 

To help relieve the substantial pressure facing the health information management profession and address the need for timely access to health information, the board of directors has decided that the Canadian College of Health Information Management will facilitate recertification for former professional members until the end of May. Health information expertise is incredibly valuable during this time, and this measure will allow professionals to re-gain certification with fewer barriers. As with all members, annual dues will be collected, our code of ethics must be adhered to, and continuing professional education requirements are required for those who recertify.

During this public health crisis, it is imperative to support timely capture and reporting of COVID-19 data. Health Information Management professionals play a crucial role in ensuring the collecting and reporting of these data. To help alleviate potential shortages of HIM personnel during this time of high demand for their skills, the Canadian Institute for Health Information supports the Canadian College of Health Information Management in its efforts to facilitate the recertification of inactive professional members.

—Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI)

The work of health information professionals enables quality patient care and drives funding and policy decisions. Our collective efforts are reinforcing that health information professionals belong at the decision-making table.


Jeff Nesbitt, MBA
CEO & Registrar

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