Announcing the launch of the CHIMA Community forum

Announcing the launch of the CHIMA Community forum

It’s time to bring forward your ideas for improving the profession and share them with your colleagues! CHIMA is here to help facilitate these conversations and provide the resources you need to make a meaningful impact.

This year, we are launching a new community platform exclusive to CHIMA’s professional members. This online platform will act as the hub for working groups, ideation, and innovation—it is the place where the future of coding, the future of governance, and the future of the health information profession will be created.

A screenshot of the CHIMA Communities page.

In fact, this is where the Future of Coding working groups will come together to develop the academic standards for medical coding. All CHIMA communities will be welcomed to this platform, removing the barriers of time zones and schedules.

The new platform works seamlessly with your existing membership and is designed to be as user-friendly as if you were meeting colleagues in person.

To access the new platform, sign into your account on, select dashboard, and select the CHIMA Community platform card.

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