#ARC2139-04-29-Health Care Tomorrow (HCT) – regional groups temporarily formed to determine feasibility of a regionalization of services including IT, Privacy, Dec. Support, Finance, Lab, DI & a standardized health record and what that would entail. I sat on the Decision Support Team, Privacy Team and Health Records team. Many hours were spent on this project, I have only selected to represent 10 for my credits.

#ARC2139-04-29-Health Care Tomorrow (HCT) – regional groups temporarily formed to determine feasibility of a regionalization of services including IT, Privacy, Dec. Support, Finance, Lab, DI & a standardized health record and what that would entail. I sat on the Decision Support Team, Privacy Team and Health Records team. Many hours were spent on this project, I have only selected to represent 10 for my credits.

Former Category Description: e. Attendance at Regional Meetings/Workshops/Education/Networking Days