#ARC2135-04-26-Moving forward with your professional career in HIM , Introduction to FIPPA Legislation, Communication Tactics for Effective and Efficient Communication for Every Setting and Occasion /Webinar , Navigating the Ehealth Roadmap-Privacy Realities and Challenges/Webinar, Can you spot the Privacy Breach/ Information Managers, 15 day Privacy Challenge, Do Your club volunteers Protect Your Privacy? By Jean L. Eaton/ Webinar, Can a Patient Have a copy of their own health record? Jean Eaton/Introduction to FIPPA Legislation/Journey to HIM SS18: Privacy, Security and Cybersecurity/Journey to HIM SS18: Consumer and Patient Engagement/webinar Are you Ready for Physician Panel Management? From Information Management LTD

#ARC2135-04-26-Moving forward with your professional career in HIM , Introduction to FIPPA Legislation, Communication Tactics for Effective and Efficient Communication for Every Setting and Occasion /Webinar , Navigating the Ehealth Roadmap-Privacy Realities and Challenges/Webinar, Can you spot the Privacy Breach/ Information Managers, 15 day Privacy Challenge, Do Your club volunteers Protect Your Privacy? By Jean L. Eaton/ Webinar, Can a Patient Have a copy of their own health record? Jean Eaton/Introduction to FIPPA Legislation/Journey to HIM SS18: Privacy, Security and Cybersecurity/Journey to HIM SS18: Consumer and Patient Engagement/webinar Are you Ready for Physician Panel Management? From Information Management LTD

Former Category Description: d. Attendance at User group meetings and workshops