#ARC1987-06-28-Six Sigma- White Belt Training Process Improvement course. Failicited by Stacy Newman. Held at The Moncton Hospital 9-4pm Oct 27, 2014 Room 6A. Waste Walk Training. How to complete a 30, 60 and 90 day Waste walks to get White Belt certification.

#ARC1987-06-28-Six Sigma- White Belt Training Process Improvement course. Failicited by Stacy Newman. Held at The Moncton Hospital 9-4pm Oct 27, 2014 Room 6A. Waste Walk Training. How to complete a 30, 60 and 90 day Waste walks to get White Belt certification.

Former Category Description: c. Technical school, CHA, or online certification courses, e.g. Computer courses such as Excel, Crystal Training, Access, Management courses, etc.